Order Flowers and Cupcakes For Your Performer

As a fundraiser for the Armstrong Youth Orchestra, we are pre-selling flower bouquets and GiGi’s “Symphony” Cupcakes, to be presented at our Fall Concert on November 18.

Giving flowers to a performer after their performance has always been a traditional way of saying “Congratulations on a job well done!”

It is imperative that we take pre-orders for the floral bouquets & cupcakes, so please place your orders by completing an order form:

Download Order Form

Additional order forms will be available at rehearsals. Forms and payment can be turned in at rehearsal, in the lobby at the information table. DEADLINE for pre-orders will be at the dress rehearsal.

PLEASE NOTE: We will only have flowers and cupcakes available for those who have placed an order in advance. We will NOT have additional flowers or cupcakes at the concert.